Meet The Characters
Meet Queen Green's "KEEPERS"
Meet the lovable and relatable characters from Save Queen Green! Mother Nature's Eco-Rhymes as they learn how to help Queen Green stay healthy. Don't forget to purchase your own book and CD so you can learn the songs and sing-a-long with Queen Green. You can also color in the activity sheets for some of the characters by downloading them below.

Queen Green
"I'm Mother Nature, please call me Queen Green! I'm sad because my air is unclean. My trees were cut down, my oceans filthy. I need your help so I can stay healthy!"

Careless Catherine is an energy hog! She loves playing video games, but doesn’t realize how much energy she is wasting with her lights and electronics all turned on and plugged in-even when she is not home! She learns that opening the blinds and unplugging unused items can help save Queen Green!

Clueless Clyde is a boy surrounded by litter and pollution, who doesn’t pay any attention to the problems. He does not understand the importance of climate change and how it affects people around him. Climate change is easily explained by Queen Green getting too hot!

Farmer Flores grows organic fruits and vegetables, which he sells at the local Farmer’s Market! He understands the importance of local and organic food for his health and the health of Queen Green!

Gary Gardner knows how to help Queen Green! Gary Gardner plants trees to replace those that are cut down to help clean the air and filter the water.

Responsible Regis never forgets his reusable bags. He brings them with him wherever he goes because he knows how much plastic pollution affects our oceans and sea life.

Squasher Sam is the garden bully! The “Itsy Bitsy Spider” is transformed into “Super Saving
Spider” as we learn the importance of spiders to help gardens grow!

Tricia just got her license & loves to drive around in her new car! She doesn’t realize that she is releasing toxic emissions into the air that can make people sick & cause pollution to diminish those twinkling stars! Queen Green teaches her the importance of different modes of transportation to curb air pollution!

Turn-Around Tucker drives a large, gas-guzzling car. But, when he learns about the affects his car has on the air we breathe he swaps his dirty car for a hybrid! Then, he buys a bicycle to travel short distances to protect the environment even more.

Veggie Vickie loves her vegetables and loves teaching her friends how eating less meat can help save Queen Green!

Wasteful Winnie wastes water by leaving the faucet on while she brushes her teeth and forgetting to turn it off when she goes to sleep! Let’s teach Wasteful Winnie how to avoid wasting this precious resource that we all need to survive!
Mother Nature's Eco-Rhymes
Research shows that teaching through rhyme, repetition, and song is an effective way to learn and retain information. We have added a new and refreshing spin on familiar rhymes and created eco-rhymes in order to bring awareness to the environmental issues that face our generation and generations to come.
Save Queen Green! Mother Nature's Eco-Rhymes is a charming, colorful, enlightening book full of excitement, wit, environmental lessons and lovable relatable characters that families will adore! Sing along to the corresponding full-length album to capture the complete the experience!

Help Queen Green Teach Others
Help Queen Green teach Wasteful Winnie how to save water and Toxic Tricia how to protect the air we breathe by singing Queen Green's eco-rhymes set to classic children’s tunes such as, “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” and “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star,” but with a modern, upbeat flair. Families will learn important environmental lessons in a fun and memorable way!